I love sunsets and sunrises. The beauty and wonder of the colors that appear on the distant horizon are a tiny part of the magnificence of God’s creation. The unique combination of dust particles from far off Africa that are wafted on the jet-stream far above us, light particles traveling through space at 186.000 miles per second from the sun to earth, the atmosphere surrounding our wonderful planet, the shape, rotation and angle of it, and the clouds made up of water suspended in air with various other components, and our amazing eyes and brains that can see these sights are a testament to His glory. Truly the heavens declare His glory and the firmament His power to all of us. Psalm 19 Such displays don’t grow old despite a lifetime of seeing them.
I recall a PBS commercial several years ago that emphasized the point of staying curious. Sometimes the wonders around us can escape us. We don’t bother to look up or notice what’s right there in front of us. Take time today to notice God’s glory around you and praise Him for it.
Even modern psychology is realizing the benefits of being outdoors in nature. It is good for the soul. Get out and take a walk or just look and enjoy it. 
In September 2017 just after Hurricane Irma hit us I noticed the sight of my right eye had a dark spot in the corner. I did not tell anyone since I was part of the damage assessment team at the Property Appraiser’s office for our county government. We were tasked with estimating and certifying to the federal government that the damage to real estate reached a minimum threshold in order to qualify for FEMA funding to be released. So after we finished our review I mentioned I needed to go see my eye doctor. My boss was not amused with my behavior! Neither was my wife. Well, sometimes I don’t make the best decisions. 
So with power still out my faithful and practical wife, Terrie, was able to contact my eye doctor. The only one around in that network that had any electricity was in Lakeland, about fifty miles away. So we drove up there and a nice eye doctor confirmed that I had a torn retina in my right eye and it would require a specialist. He got one on the telephone who had an office in Sebring and he told us to meet him in the main office in Winter Haven, about thirty miles or so from us. They had partial electricity, but no air conditioning. So with my dear wife Terrie assisting him, Dr. Jin Moon skillfully repaired my torn retina. It involved injecting a gas bubble in my eye to hold the retina in place so it would heal properly. I had to hold my head at a forty five degree angle constantly for two or three weeks. That meant I had to sleep in a chair and could not help at all to clean up debris in our property with limbs and yard trash all over our two acres! So dear Terrie went to the store and bought a nice electric chain saw and went to work by herself! She cleared all that trash and piled a huge pile along the front of our property while I sat in my chair and listened to music, read books, watched television, prayed and slept by my doctors’ orders! What a peculiar providence that was. 
Anyway, the good Dr. Moon discovered my eye healed very nicely when I went for my follow up appointment. Praise the Lord! It is so good to be able to see clearly. I have a great appreciation for my natural vision. When I took this photo this evening from our back yard I just thought how blessed I am to be able to see and appreciate the wonders of God’s creation, and to have such a hard-working, Proverbs 31 wife who is such a blessing to me. Thank you, Lord.

"This life's dim windows of the soul Distorts the heavens from pole to pole And leads you to believe a lie When you see with, not through, the eye.” ~ William Blake

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  HIGHLANDS GRACE REFORMED CHURCH 516 N. Pine St. Sebring, FL 33870 (originally NOVEMBER 2004)   " For all the promises of God in him a...